lundi 2 août 2010



Processes of Constellation


Once the scope definition of the project is completed and resource requirements are established by the Leading Unit, the actors and their roles are fixed in the high-level schedule. This high level schedule is used for reporting towards the sponsors, the steering committee and to the Client.

As defined in the Project Management Plan and in the Schedule Management plan, the different tasks then assigned to the selected Participating Units who are in charge of the delivery. During the Delegation, the tasks defined by the Leading Unit become projects at the Participating Units side. Project boundaries (for the Participating Unit) are specified by the characteristics of the task which been delegated. These boundaries are the Start and Finish dates and the assigned budget.

Update Delegation

Project scope changes, in a well managed project, with controlled manner. If the “Constellation Method” is applied on the project, this change is managed by the Leading Unit which then transfers the information to the Participating Units. When a scope change affects a task which had been delegated already, the changes are transferred via the Update Delegation process of the “Constellation Method”. Such change can include a modification in the start date, duration or the finish date of the task, or in the allocated budget.

Recall Delegation

Project are being cancelled or postponed even after their start. The Recall Delegation module of the “Constellation Method” allows the Leading Unit to cancel an existing delegation. When the Recall Delegation message is accepted, the project at the Participating Unit side becomes a deleted project but remains in the scheduling system (with a special attribute) in order to provide historical information about the resources consumed till the date of the recall. Once a task is recalled from a Participating Unit, it will become available for a new delegation.

Progress Update

Timely availability of accurate and credible information is mandatory to take decisions on time. As detailed project schedules are being developed and managed at various geographical locations, collecting progress related data becomes more and more difficult to manage. Progress Update executed at the Participating Unit side creates a specific message which contains all progress related information from each activity inserted into the schedule by the Participating Unit. It includes the start and finish dates, progress % and cost related information. But the message does not contain the task itself and after acceptance by the Leading Unit these tasks are not being recreated. Without modification on the original schedule (at the Leading Unit side) the planning system displays the float (negative, positive) which is associated with the delegated task.

Project Connection

There might be cases when Participating Unit A needs information in order to start one of his tasks. However this information is not available within this organization. If such situation happens, Participating Unit A can send a demand to its Leading Unit. After analyzing the demand, the Leading Unit can decide whether he is able to provide the information from his own schedule or other project or the demand should be delegated further to other Participating Units within the organization. Due to the fact that contractual relationship only exists between the Leading Unit and Participating Unit, the Leading Unit is acting as a broker between the demanding and providing units, ensuring that the demand is fulfilled.

Update Connection

Project schedules are changing at both, Leading Unit and Participating Unit sides as the project execution progresses. Such changes, mainly caused by the progress recorded, are affecting the established project connections between units. Dates, when information required or provided, are changing according to the progress, and requires the connections to be updated in both directions. Since the connections between units can be complicated, a simple change in one of the project schedule will trigger a connection update to all schedules of all Constellations.

Recall Connection
Project progress can also make information demand obsolete. The Recall Connection module of the “Constellation Method” allows the unit, who requested information, to recall (delete) the demand (connection). This will cut the connection between the demanding and providing units. All recalled connections can be recreated if the need appears again via a new connection demand.

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